If at first socialist dominated Sandwell council does not get its way, it will simply try again.
If its proposals are put out to consultation and the public feedback is negative, it will ignore that feedback.
If there is a Petition against a proposal, the arrogant Labour elite will shred the Petition.
The proposal to charge for parking in the Sandwell valley country park, when canvassed last year got a public rejection. But even then the writing was on the wall. One opponent of the plan told the newspapers “The whole consultation has seemed like an exercise in democracy where the council hasn’t listened to a word we have said”. Another resident agreed saying “We haven’t been listened to at all”.
Over 50 different reasons were put forward by objectors to the scheme, yet Cllr Maria Crompton, then in charge of such matters, was determined to press ahead and get charging approved at the February council cabinet meeting. She argued that charging was “necessary” to raise money to maintain the parkland.
That argument would have carried more weight had it not emerged that Sandwell MBC is owed £401,000+ in unpaid parking fines and that only 52% of off street parking fines had been collected in 2015-2016.
Self interest not reason dictated the next step. The local council elections were imminent. The council had had enough bad publicity. So Sandwell’s cynical socialists shelved Crompton’s parking charge plans until after the May council elections. Then, they were quietly resurrected by Maria’s replacement Cllr. Dave Hosell. The result is that parking charges will be applied in all car parks in Sandwell valley country park from 1st November 2016.
Our hope is that these charges will not act as a deterrent to family use of this green space. Recently Sandwell has been identified as the take away capital of the Black Country and central West Bromwich as a sunset strip for fast food shops, with no fewer than 41 outlets. Child and adult obesity, with attendant health problems, is a local concern. Healthy active living requires promotion not discouragement. Use of Sandwell valley country park can help achieve this goal.
As usual Sandwell’s socialist spinners attempt to sugar the pill. Short term parking charges in West Bromwich are being reduced to bring them into line with the other towns in Sandwell. This is obviously necessary in view of the fact that one in every four of the shops in West Bromwich is vacant. One shop-keeper said “The upper end of the town is a nightmare……because half the shops are empty” Another said “Parking charges just kill trade”. Belatedly, the council is attempting to repair damage it inflicted.
A kick in the tail, emerges in the new tariffs, the cost of longer term parking, that is over 4 hours, will double throughout Sandwell.
We would review all parking charges. We believe it vital to maintain local shopping centres to cater for families who lack mobility and need to shop locally, to provide employment and create prosperity. We know that parking charges can have adverse effects on trade, leisure activities and localities where they can produce anti-social parking to avoid charges. A rational system responsive to local conditions and community concerns is required.