Amrita has been raised in Sandwell and wants to give back to the community that she has been brought up in for the last two decades. Living near Tividale ward, Amrita shares the same daily struggles as the residents she wishes to represent. Amrita wants to continue to build on the strong efforts of the local Conservative team to improve the area for everyone.
In particular, Amrita plans to protect and secure the future of our community in Tividale, tackling major issues like Houses of Multiple Occupancy, speeding and protecting our green spaces.
Amrita recognises the importance of issues such as road safety, anti – social behaviour and the preservation of green spaces. Therefore, Amrita is working closely with Shaun Bailey MP to continue his work, and make sure that local residents are heard and ensure their interests are put first.
Amrita says, ‘Sandwell has so much potential. I believe with hardworking, enthusiastic, and concerned individuals, we can make the difference that the people of Sandwell rightfully deserve.’.
Being a Young Conservative, Amrita has an active and dynamic yet pragmatic approach to situations and hopes to use her high – spirited nature to make sure that there are real and proper answers to any concern raised by local people.
Contact details:
Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 07392 616047